Commission Types & Prices
All prices are in USD. A maximum of 2 pieces of art can be commissioned by a single client at once.
I will not work from text-only references. Please be able to provide visual reference of any characters.
The only exception to this rule is the Custom Character/Creature Design commission type.
- no explicit work
- no style mimicry
- no real-life portraits
Contact me at Hours: Tuesday-Saturday: 10am - 6pm Eastern US time.
(Please allow 1-3 business days for a response, but feel free to follow up after if I have still not gotten back to you!)
If you would like early updates on future waitlist or commission openings, please consider supporting me on KO-FI.
Above all, thank you for your interest in and support of my work!

Loosely inked sketch with highlights or shading.
Portrait/bust -$80
Half-body - $125
Fullbody - $175
Extra character or pose: +80% base price

3 - 5 poses - Mix of full body & waist/thigh up, Artist's choice.
Extra Character (for whole sheet): +80% base price
Extra poses: +$75 per pose

800x800 pixel character portrait.

Stylized character art fully colored and shaded.
Depending on character complexity.
*** Commercial Licensing Available ***
Please contact me about a commercial image license if you are interested in selling the art you commission.

A full body Ink & Color artwork of your character along with 3-5 items that might be found in their inventory!
These can be weapons, trinkets, keepsakes, supplies, etc. Character nameplate optional.
Starts at $375
Additional cost may apply for very complex characters or extra items.

INK & COLOR (Simple)
Fully inked, colored, and shaded. Base prices include one character and simple or abstract background.
Portrait/Bust - $275
Half Body - $350
Full Body - $425
Extra character: 80% of base cost.

INK & COLOR (Illustration)
Fully inked, colored, and shaded. Base prices include one character.
Starting at $550
Illustrations will, by default, be more complex images as far as pose/composition to show a scene, and include enough of a background to set the scene.
Extra character: 80% of base cost.
Maximum of 4 total characters per illustration.
Additional Background Detail - Extremely complex backgrounds (images involving crowds or background characters requiring more detail, buildings/interiors, detailed flora/fauna.) will be upcharged accordingly, as these added together may require more attention and time than even what is required for the main focus character.
This cost will vary greatly depending on the piece and refinement required and must be quoted individually per project.

Lineless with more texture and realistic shading.
Portrait - $400
Half Body - $550
Illustration - $750+
Extra character: 80% of base cost.
Maximum of 4 total characters per illustration.
Additional Background Detail: Extremely complex backgrounds (images involving crowds or background characters requiring more detail, buildings/interiors, detailed flora/fauna.) will be upcharged accordingly, as these added together may require more attention and time than even what is required for the main focus character.
This cost will vary greatly depending on the piece and refinement required and must be quoted individually per project.

A custom reference sheet for your character. Includes color swatches and info box if requested. Please contact me with the sorts of things you’re looking for in a ref sheet to get a quote for these, since prices may vary a good bit depending on the complexity and detail involved with depicting your character!
To estimate your own price, see the following:
Full body: $180 for first, $150 for each additional view,
OR $75-$150 for separate clothed versions of the same full body pose, depending on complexity of the outfit.Each head/detail: $50-$75 per, depending on complexity
Shading: $50-$80 depending on number of details/poses that must be shaded
Edits for alternate versions of the refsheet: $50+ depending on complexity and number of extra details involved. This can include clothed/smallclothes versions, or alternate color palette, etc.
From-scratch design fee (No pre-existing artwork): $75+ depending on complexity and available references.
Detail charge (complex armor/clothing, features or markings, or weapons with a lot of intricate details): +$30-$100
Wings fee (compensates for the extra time spent on composition and detailing for characters with large wings. May be applied to other kinds of extra limbs if they’re large and complex in detail.): $25+
This is a new commission type! Creature/character design is one of my favorite things to do with my art, and I wanted to offer this to folks that might not already have a character or creature concept 100% nailed down to get a ref sheet.
For this commission type, I’ll work with you to help solidify a concept you have, whether it's a character for a story, a special boss monster for your tabletop RPG game, or anything in-between.
There are two different types I offer, listed below!

I will develop a concept for you based on a very loose prompt. Includes 3 images of the concept/character.
Details to provide:
- The character/creature’s race/species and gender (if applicable).
- What do they do? (class/job/biological or ecological niche)
- What is ONE color you would like me to use in the design?
- OPTIONAL: One or two important details such as “they’re meant to be a boss-style encounter” or “they worship a specific god.”
I’ll work start-to-finish on a design to fit your prompt, and may elaborate on it with ideas of my own. This tier is great if you like surprises, and may suit those who like the concept of Adoptables but would like a little more say in what they look like.
Working with a more solid concept, I’ll still put a lot of my own design into this, but you’ll have more control over the finished result.
Base price includes a mix of 3-5 fullbody/halfbody/headshot/details of the design -- essentially whatever I feel needs to be depicted to really get the design of the character across so you or future artists can easily work with the design.
Feel free to provide a small list of details that you’d DEFINITELY like included, such as if your character has a specific type of weapon, or if you'd like me to give them scars from a notable encounter in their life. You may also provide a small (3 short paragraphs or less) amount of story or flavor text to use as inspiration.
This commission type may be used to elaborate on or redesign a character you already have.
I will provide you with up to 3 Work-In-Progress updates, with which you’ll be able to direct me towards an end result that fits your vision!